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May 17, 2024

Ecological research & birdwatching


Bernardus Golf, formerly agricultural land, is situated in the middle of a Natura 2000 site. Nearly six years after its opening and the planting of tens of thousands of (heather) plants and other vegetation, the golf course is increasingly attracting biodiversity. An impressive 50% of the total 80-hectare estate is pure nature.

Research on Flora and Fauna
Ecologists and birdwatchers Diederik Meijers and Jorina Boer from NLadviseurs have been conducting research at Bernardus Golf since April of this year. They will be performing field research throughout all seasons for a year. This will include a baseline survey of all flora and fauna present on the course. For example, nesting birds will be mapped, and cameras will be placed in various locations to observe mammals.

Nature Opportunity Map
Based on the baseline survey, a nature opportunity map will be created. This map will provide our Greenkeepers with insights into additional initiatives that can be taken to provide a home for native, protected, and endangered species at Bernardus.

NGF Birdwatching Day
Part of the research was a birdwatching excursion that took place on Saturday, May 11, with a small group of enthusiastic enthusiasts. During the early morning hours, birds were counted at well-known hotspots on the course. More than forty species of birds were seen or heard. It was impressive to enjoy nature at this early hour.

Golf and Nature
At Bernardus, we believe that golf and nature are inextricably linked. Therefore, we work as sustainably as possible and try in various ways to stimulate and maintain a balanced ecosystem. We look forward to the findings to do more for the preservation of biodiversity.

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